Thursday, July 25, 2013

a study in conte the painting oil for a show

studies for commission work

color studies

keeping the oil breathing by letting the marks reveal themself

taking the hand out of the studio and into the world draw draw draw


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Keeping the bold form shapes as the foundation for detail to transition from large to small.

2 part lay in of light and shadow value, build form from blocking large mid-tones
Water color painting in Gary Meyers workshop at Art Center. This time I am showing the before step so that the layering of value is revealed. Water color is how you lift weights for painting.

Water color painting in Gary Meyers workshop at Art Center. This time I am showing the before step so that the layering of value is revealed. Water color is how you lift weights for painting.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Coffee house Figure drawing

There are some amazing places to draw and this is from Atlanta Georgia- Apache Cafe were they have models pose while you eat and drink now that is good service. Some of these images show up in my book Drawing from Real Places.